
Ezekiel Ray Hudson
Born 10/10/07
(on his great-great-grandpa Charlie’s 100th birthday)
at 1:51 p.m.
8 lbs, 7 oz
19 inches long
Here he is shortly after birth. Very puffy, and very blotchy. Cute, but not really.Here is the big sister and her new baby brother!And here is the brand new big brother!

Well, I’m not really up to typing the whole birth story right now. But I will do it one of these days. I’m actually typing one-handed, as I’ve got Zeke in one arm, wrapped up like a burrito and staring at me.

But, things are going well. The kids love having a new baby. There hasn’t been any jealousy or anything. If anything, they love him a little TOO much. They always want to hold and hug and kiss him. So, it’s all good.
Except, of course, for the cramping, the engorgement, and the lack of sleep. But all of that will pass. So yeah, it’s all good.
Well, that’s it for now. I’m going to try to find some lunch before Zeke wakes up to eat.
Oh, and by the way…according to my son, I feed the baby from my “nibbles.” Just so you know.

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2 Responses to >HE’S HERE!!!

  1. Kimi says:

    >Like I said to you before, I am so loving that first pic of him. He looks just like Jay. The kids looks so happy, though Tyner looks unsure. Hehe! I’m glad he finally came. Big congrats to you guys!

  2. ScrapFairy says:

    >ahh he is so cute. Can’t wiat to see you guys.

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